Usage: ./monitord [OPTION]... CONFFILE Options: --pid-file= store process ID to (default is to run without creating the pid file) --poll-interval= check the system after second intervals (default is 60 seconds) --keepalive-interval= send keepalives after second intervals; if is not a multiple of the value given with the --poll-interval option, it is rounded down to the nearest multiple (default is 300 seconds) --keepalive-message= use for keepalive notification text (default is "keepalive message") --notify-program= all notifications are sent with program (default is to write "application=%a object=%o severity=%s text=%t" to standard output) --severity-for-normal= notifications for normal system conditions (e.g., keepalives) have the severity (default is "normal") --max-stdout= take at most lines from the standard output of the monitoring script when forming a notification text (default is 10) --program-name= use for program name when logging to syslog and sending notifications (default is ./monitord without the leading path) --syslog= log program internal errors with syslog priority (default is "user.err") --daemon | --nodaemon run as a daemon | don't run as a daemon (default is --nodaemon) --help, -? print the usage information --version print the version information Notify program (see the --notify-program option) may contain the following variables which will be substituted with the real values when sending the notification: %a - application that sent the notification (see the --program-name option) %o - object that the notification is about, e.g., 'sendmail' or '/usr' (for keepalive messages, %o is set to keepalive interval) %s - severity of the notification, e.g., 'minor' or 'major' %t - notification text, e.g., 'Too few sendmail running', 'Filesystem /usr: less than 10% free', etc. Note that before substitution all values will be put inside apostrophes, and all apostrophes inside the values will be masked. An example command line for starting monitord: /usr/bin/monitord --daemon --poll-interval=60 --severity-for-normal=notice \ --notify-prog='logger -i -t %a -p daemon.%s %t' /etc/monitord.conf Configuration file directives (fields are separated by whitespace): proc disk load exec